Brand strategist
Andreas Amtmann
From the very beginning, the project was supported by strategists from FYFF, an agency based in Nuremberg, to ensure that the impression given by the first Retterspitz flagship store goes hand in hand with the philosophy and design of the Retterspitz brand.
In the background, FYFF Art & Creative Director Andreas Amtmann worked with Katja Reiter to hone the concept from a brand standpoint and sourced furnishings and partners for clothing and music. “The aim was to take Retterspitz’s natural ingredients and holistic philosophy and turn them into something special that could be experienced in the store,” says Andreas Amtmann. “What’s more, the regional focus of the company meant that we did not call in international specialists – instead, we once again placed our trust in the expertise of regional partners.”
A focus on sustainability
An essential part of the concept and its materiality is environmental sustainability. Of course, FSC-certified paper can be sourced from anywhere in the world, but with the consequence of it having to be shipped thousands of miles across the ocean to Germany. So it makes sense to source paper closer to home. Büttenpapierfabrik Gmund, based in the Bavarian town of Tegernsee, was the perfect solution, because it generates its own energy and produces Bio Cycle paper using up to 50% recycled fibres with an optimised environmental footprint.
All catalogues, information leaflets, cards and bags are made using this off-white paper featuring natural flecks. “We deliberately chose to use sustainable paper and local resources. This means that the materials may not be produced in a cost-cutting way, but that’s just the price of supporting a regional and sustainable philosophy,” explains Andreas Amtmann. “Even the tape we use on the packaging is made from paper. We are delighted that we were given the opportunity to bring the Retterspitz identity to life so consistently and thoroughly.”
Behind the scenes
Further persons

Katja Reiter, Interior designer
Interior designer Katja Reiter has already completed much-noticed projects in Nuremberg. Here, her latest task was to create a place that makes visitors feel like they are stepping into a separate world in the middle of the city. Together with Retterspitz owner and Managing Director Markus Valet, she found inspiration in the style and shopping capital of Europe, Milan, gathered impressions for the interior design and, in her search for something special, found what she was looking for in the Franconian Jura. Just as it should be: after all, Retterspitz not only stands for healing, caring and wellbeing, but also regionality. Learn more

André Martino Schreiber, Fabric artist
Nuremberg-based designer and fabric artist André Martino Schreiber plays with natural materials and is therefore the perfect person to design signature clothing for Retterspitz. After all, our employees should convey the idea of wellbeing with their clothing while also feeling as comfortable as possible while wearing it. Schreiber took inspiration from an unexpected source – a relic from the working days of yore. Learn more

Flo Seyberth, DJ & composer
He is known as part of the musical duo Boozoo Bajou and from songs such as Night over Manaus, which was used in a Martini advert featuring George Clooney. Flo Seyberth is from Nuremberg, and it was up to Retterspitz to engage the Franconian DJ and composer to create a bespoke compilation for the flagship store. Learn more
FYFF-Vorstand Andreas Amtmann hat im Hintergrund mit Katja Reiter das Konzept aus Markensicht verfeinert und sich um Ausstattung und externe Partner für Bekleidung und Musik gekümmert. „Der Anspruch war, die natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe und die ganzheitliche Philosophie von Retterspitz an diesem Ort auf besondere Weise erlebbar zu machen“, sagt Andreas Amtmann. „Hinzu kommt die regionale Ausrichtung des Unternehmens, die uns veranlasste, keine internationalen Spezialisten hinzuzuziehen – sondern einmal mehr auf die Expertise von regionalen Partnern zu vertrauen.“
Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit
Wesentlicher Bestandteil des Konzeptes und seiner Materialität ist die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Natürlich gibt es FSC-zertifiziertes Papier aus aller Herren Länder, um in der Folge allerdings Tausende von Kilometern über die Weltmeere nach Deutschland verschifft zu werden. Daher wird lieber zu Papier aus der Heimat gegriffen. Und da empfiehlt sich die Büttenpapierfabrik Gmund vom bayerischen Tegernsee, denn hier wird die Energie selbst produziert und das Papier entstammt einer BioCycle-Produktion, zu 50 % aus recyceltem Zellstoff mit optimierter Ökobilanz.
Alle Kataloge, Infoblätter, Kärtchen oder Tüten sind aus diesem nicht reinweißen, mit natürlichen Einschlüssen versehenen Papier. „Es wurde bewusst auf nachhaltiges Papier und heimische Ressourcen gesetzt. Das macht die Materialien nicht unbedingt kostenminimiert in der Herstellung, aber das ist eben der Preis, um eine regionale und nachhaltige Philosophie zu unterstützen“, so Andreas Amtmann. „Sogar das Klebeband der Verpackungen ist aus Papier. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir die Identität der Marke Retterspitz so konsequent und konsistent haben umsetzen dürfen.“