DJ & composer
Flo Seyberth
He is known as part of the musical duo Boozoo Bajou and from songs such as Night over Manaus, which was used in a Martini advert featuring George Clooney. Flo Seyberth is from Nuremberg, and it was up to Retterspitz to engage the Franconian DJ and composer to create a bespoke compilation for the flagship store.
No effort was spared in creating the perfect stage for Flo Seyberth’s music mix. Due to the many smooth surfaces, a balance had to be struck that ensured echoing sounds were dampened while allowing for clear acoustics. The ceiling absorbs unwanted sound waves and allows for a fascinating musical experience in which even quiet tones develop into vibrant sounds.
Mindfulness for the ears
“The music for Retterspitz has a relaxed, downbeat character, creating the typical ambience,” explains Flo Seyberth.
“It’s about mindfulness and slowing down. About being close to nature. People should discover a place that not only interests them, but also relaxes them.”
A finely tuned mix
When it comes to this kind of music, Seybert explains, there’s a fine line between kitsch and art. “It shouldn’t be overwhelming, but it should still be pleasantly relaxing,” he says. “The sound definitely has a certain depth, but is still light and sunny. The visitors are in the flagship store to discover, but also to take pause.”
The end result is a finely tuned mix of music – curated with feeling. Sound good? Excellent!
Feel free to listen in.
Behind the scenes
Further persons

Katja Reiter, Interior designer
Interior designer Katja Reiter has already completed much-noticed projects in Nuremberg. Here, her latest task was to create a place that makes visitors feel like they are stepping into a separate world in the middle of the city. Together with Retterspitz owner and Managing Director Markus Valet, she found inspiration in the style and shopping capital of Europe, Milan, gathered impressions for the interior design and, in her search for something special, found what she was looking for in the Franconian Jura. Just as it should be: after all, Retterspitz not only stands for healing, caring and wellbeing, but also regionality. Learn more

Andreas Amtmann, Brand strategist
From the very beginning, the project was supported by strategists from FYFF, an agency based in Nuremberg, to ensure that the impression given by the first Retterspitz flagship store goes hand in hand with the philosophy and design of the Retterspitz brand. Learn more

André Martino Schreiber, Fabric artist
Nuremberg-based designer and fabric artist André Martino Schreiber plays with natural materials and is therefore the perfect person to design signature clothing for Retterspitz. After all, our employees should convey the idea of wellbeing with their clothing while also feeling as comfortable as possible while wearing it. Schreiber took inspiration from an unexpected source – a relic from the working days of yore. Learn more
Um der Musikmelange von Flo Seyberth eine optimale Bühne zu bieten, wurden keine Mühen gescheut. Aufgrund der zahlreichen glatten Flächen musste ein Ausgleich geschaffen werden, der geeignet ist, hallende Geräusche zu dämpfen und gleichzeitig eine klare Akustik zu ermöglichen. Die Decke absorbiert unerwünschte Schallwellen und ermöglicht ein faszinierendes Sounderlebnis, in dem auch leise Töne ihren vollen Klang entwickeln.
Achtsamkeit für die Ohren
„Die Musik für Retterspitz sieht natürlich einen ruhigen Downbeat, das typische Ambient vor“, so Flo Seyberth. „Es geht um Entschleunigung und Achtsamkeit. Um die Nähe zur Natur. Die Menschen sollen einen Ort betreten, an dem sie mit Interesse verweilen, aber auch zur Ruhe kommen können.“
Fein abgestimmte Melange
Kitsch und Kunst lägen bei dieser Art von Musik allerdings nahe zusammen, sagt Seyberth. „Es soll nicht zu flächig, sondern angenehm entspannt wirken“, sagt er, „der Sound hat durchaus eine gewisse Tiefe, ist aber trotzdem leicht und sonnig. Die Besucher sind zum Entdecken im Flagship-Store, aber auch zum Innehalten.“
Am Ende wird es eine fein abgestimmte Musikmelange – mit viel Gefühl kuratiert. Klingt spannend? Wie schön! Es darf in aller Ruhe gelauscht werden